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PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

Student project designed by Julian Schober within the seminar Crossmedia Communication with the Office of the University Women's Representative. Project #WueSeeYou, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, winter semester 2022/23

What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna - Research associate and PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University of Würzburg

(CC) The video in text form

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna, Research Associate / PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University Würzburg, answers the question "What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?"

The university of Würzburg is really diverse actually. Yes, it’s like a colourful patchwork of different researchers and students come together. And of course different job opportunities and research activities are offered. And one of the perfect examples is the publication of the book, edited by me and my colleague from India, „Studies in Modern English“, published by Würzburg university press. And it combines a collection of papers from people and authors all around the world, from India, Nigeria and Brazil. And this university made these voices sound loudly.

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna

  • PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna works as a research associate and PD Dr. at the TEFL Department in the field of digital discourse of English language. She is from Ukraine and joined the scientific staff of the University of Würzburg in May 2022.

  • Particularly committed to:

- English language as mediator of human- machine communication

- Digital discourse of English language

- Semantic ambiguity of English-language chatbots

- Scratch/Python language of programming vs. English language

What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna - Research associate and PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University of Würzburg

(CC) The video in text form

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna, Research Associate / PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University Würzburg, answers the question "What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?"

Of course, on my way to my professional development, one of the biggest challenges was a life-work-balance in between my research career and parenthood, because I have two children. But I have always been surrounded by my family, my friends and my colleagues, who have always supported me. And another one is gender-age-prejudices at the workplace or in the academia. Sometimes women come across different challenges in this area.

In 2020, 55.176 international research associates and other scientific staff from all around the globe worked in Germany.

This hints that international scientific staff contributes quite a lot in the academic workfield at German universities.

The figure below shows the regions of origin of these international scientist in 2020. The numbers shown represent the respective percentage in relation to the total number of 55.176 international scientists.

Source: Wissenschaft weltoffen, 2020, u.a. DZHW-Berechnungen

Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir Diagramme von Datawrapper angezeigt werden.
Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna - Research associate/ PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University of Würzburg

(CC) The video in text form

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna, Research Associate / PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University Würzburg, answers the question "Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?"

At the university of Würzburg, I have two great supporters by Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann and Prof. Dr. Birgitte Burrichter - and their [respective] teams of the TEFL department and female representative office, for sure. Of course, surrounded by my colleagues, who were always kind and responsive. Because German language environment sometimes is very challenging and intriguing, but still it‘s possible to get through it, with the help of people around you. 

Vision for the future

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna - Research associate/ PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University of Würzburg

(CC) The video in text form

PD Dr. Nataliia Lazebna, Research Associate / PD Dr. at the TEFL Department, University Würzburg, about her vision for the future.

I wish that the university of Würzburg developed even more and in a better way. And it’s really great nowadays, because it‘s a barrier-free surrounding. A lot of people coming from different social and cultural contexts. And I wish in the future, even more opportunities and possibilities could be affordable for people from different parts of the world, both researchers and students. And of course it’s about indoor-surroundings, which is barrier-free and convenient for people with disabilities and also for development for professional and educational activities.