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Dr. Nevine Zakaria

Student project designed by Florian Pompe within the seminar Crossmedia Communication with the Office of the University Women's Representative. Projekt #WueSeeYou, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, winter semester 2022/23

What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?

Dr. Nevine Zakaria - Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Würzburg, Museology Section

(CC) The video in text form

Dr. Nevine Zakaria, Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Museology Section, University of Würzburg, answers the question "What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?"

Actually, my whole world is articulating around diversity and accepting the others as my post-doc research is tackling the role of museums in the promoting and supporting diversiti[y] and providing equal access, equal opportunities and avoid discrimination for everyone coming through the doors at museums. Also, I would say that I came from Egypt. I mean I came from [a] different countr[y]. I became member at the Würzburg universit[y], which is enabling me to be part of the overall academia in Germany. So this is also diversity. 

Dr. Nevine Zakaria

Dr. Nevine Zakaria has been at the JMU since october 2021 at the Institute for German Philology.

Her Post-Doc lasts for a total of two years.

The main topics of Dr. Zakarias work are the field of Museum Studies/Museology, mainly, cultural accessibility, social inclusion, and social dimension of museums.

What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?

Dr. Nevine Zakaria - Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Würzburg, Museology Section

(CC) The video in text form

Dr. Nevine Zakaria, Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Museology Section, University of Würzburg, answers the question "What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?"

I would say that I’m very pleased to have the Alexander von Humboldt scholarship. It is a giant step forward in my career, enabling me to try in Würzburg university and being involved in so many projects here. As for the challenges, I would say that there is always the challenge of balancing between the professional career and the social life. The challenge is also of upgrading your skills in the academia as I am very keen to be a prominent figure in my specialism, not only on a national level but also on a wider scale worldwide. 

An international research and/or teaching stay is a great enrichment for researchers as well as for host universities. The University of Würzburg (JMU) is amongst the 15 most popular host universities in Germany for international recipients of a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (as of 2020, see source here).

In order to make such an international research stay successful, amongst many other factors, the mobility of family members and their support at the host city can be important. The figure below shows, how many of the recipients of a Humboldt fellowship brought their family to Germany.

Source: Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS), publik. no. 25 (2022), p. 66

Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir Diagramme von Datawrapper angezeigt werden.
Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?

Dr. Nevine Zakaria - Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Würzburg, Museology Section

(CC) The video in text form

Dr. Nevine Zakaria, Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Museology Section, University of Würzburg, answers the question "Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?"

The international office, mainly Dr. Hannah [Genheimer, Welcome Centre JMU] supported me with a lot of instructions and tips for my son's schools, for my German courses, for the medical reports. And also [I] get supported by my academic host, Prof. Dr. Guido Fackler [Museology, JMU]; he’s very supportive and cooperative. He got involved with my accommodation and he supported me with a rich program for making field trips and excursions to explore the German museums as part of my study here. 

Information and support

Here are some weblinks providing information and support that Dr. Zakaria found useful on her way to JMU:

- Welcome Centre of the JMU

- JMU Women’s Representative Office

- International Office University of Würzburg

- Verein zur Unterstützung ausländischer Studierender in Würzburg e.V. 

Additionally Dr. Zakaria wants to especially thank the library of the JMU, who provided her plenty of immeasurable ressources for her studies:

- Website of the Central library of JMU

Vision for the future

Dr. Nevine Zakaria - Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow University of Würzburg, Museology Section

(CC) The video in text form

Dr. Nevine Zakaria, Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Museology Section, University of Würzburg, about her vision for the future.

I am very keen to build a strong network with colleagues here at the department and [with] museum professionals at the museums I have visited so far. I think the knowledge I capture from pursuing this research would represent a very powerful resource for participants in my home country - I mean Egypt - as a field of cultural examples, social inclusion. And also, I contribute to the capacity development plan of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities […].