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Kathrin Zöller

Student project designed by Pia Neuburger within the seminar Crossmedia Communication with the Office of the University Women's Representative. Project #WueSeeYou, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, winter semester 2022/23

What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?

Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor at the Universitiy of Würzburg

(CC) The video in text form

Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor, University of Würzburg, answers the question "What does diversity at the University of Würzburg mean to you?"

Diversity is crucial in an academic environment. I mean not just in a general environment, but also in the classes themselves. In my classes we address a lot of topics like multiculturalism and the refugee crisis and stuff like that. And what would discussions be like in class without many different perspectives and without the cultural exchange that happens in my classes?

Kathrin Zöller, M.A.

  • Has been working as an Instructor for "Englische Sprachpraxis" at the University of Würzburg since 2010 (LbfA)
  • She mainly teaches translation courses as well as grammar and text production classes
  • Kathrin Zöller also runs the English Drama Group at the JMU
  • Gender equality, queer rights and intercultural exchange are very important to her.
  • What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor at the Universitiy of Würzburg

    (CC) The video in text form

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor, University of Würzburg, answers the question "What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?"

    I encounter many intercultural perspectives in my daily work, especially when it comes to the English drama group. We are such an international group. The nationalities represented in that group, they span from Costa Rica to China, and yet there is so much confidence and love in the group, it is just so adorable and admirable and it's the best thing working with those people.

    About 15% of all students at German universities come from other countries than Germany (see Statistisches Bundesamt, Bildung an Hochschulen 2021/22). This brings great opportunities for intercultural experiences and cultural exchange in university and student life.

    More cultural exchange within the university could, for example, be established by offering more activities in English at JMU. As Kathrin Zöller points out in the interview, cultural exchange opens up new perspectives in both academic environments and outside of the classroom.

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    Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor at the Universitiy of Würzburg

    (CC) The video in text form

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor, University of Würzburg, answers the question "Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions?"

    I think the English drama group is a prime example of how diversity can be and is actually empowering. It is not just all these nationalities that come together in the group, it's also that there is gay people, bi people, and trans people and they all come together and are so accepting and tolerant of each other. There's so much love in the group regardless of gender and background, it's just great.

    Courses and Activities

    • The English Drama Group at the University of Würzburg connects people. The group currently consists of more than 10 nationalities and is a safe space for all (national & gender) identities. The EDG communicates in English and puts on a play in English language at the end of every semester. All are welcome; no prior experience necessary
    • Get information about courses at GSiK (global systems and and intercultural competence)
    • SCIENTIA International offers a mentoring from women to women concerning intercultural integration at the university of Würzburg.
    Vision for the future

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor at the Universitiy of Würzburg

    (CC) The video in text form

    Kathrin Zöller, English Instructor, University of Würzburg, about her vision for the future.

    Well, I think if there were more events and more classes in English or if the university decided that the Lingua Franca would be English all around, I think it would be much more inclusive when it comes to international students and also international staff obviously.  And I think they would feel a little more welcome.